Accountability is the path way to happiness …. Of course you aren’t in control of everything but the blame game everyone is on is really creating a ton of unhappiness and anxiety … flip it … you’re capable of making it “better”♥️♥️♥️♥️
Avatar of garyvee


2024-04-29 16:47:14

i believe the number one reason people are fucked up
is because they're not accountable
you wanna get real happy real fast
literally look yourself in the mirror and say one hundred percent of everything that is not working for me is my fault history
and don't beat yourself up and say i'm a piece of shit i'm a loser know
the second you go there you realize you can then also fix it but if you're blaming league or the media or social media or tiktok or ilan or twitter or twitch or or fox news or cnn or like
if you're just well then you're saying i'm not in control