She wants child support but wants to deny access to the child 🤦🏽‍♀️ #reaction #react #childsupport #parenting
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2024-04-29 16:39:59

okay mrs armstrong
if mr okay you brought this case before the court what's going on
oh well miss tally over here um we decided to have a baby together
about three years ago
we got a divorce
and as with we had to pay child support
well you guys are going through a divorce right well yes i were going through a divorce i wish it was
over already but um some of my shit i've been paying off
healthcare for a long time now ever since the baby was born how much of the healthcare um is a hundred and live dollars a month okay
this baby two years old isn't good for about three years and adults
you know if a lot of money
okay and you want to pay child support and i need them lennie
okay she needs their mind me that you don't want to pay them money
no ma'am instead i want to spend time with this child she's not allowing me to see my son alex
for the last year and a half okay i mean i have an amazing two year old son that i mean tonight access to see which is great and i do not believe that i should be paying child exam rather than i should be able to spend time with us and then actively being his theory was okay is there a reason you have not been allowing her to see
alex yes ma'am is there a reason for that well judge i feel like tom is not money
and you know she'll stop whoa no it's not money