importantly there's three giant corporations
blackrock state street and vanguard
which own collectively they own each other so it's really one giant corporation
but they also own eighty nine percent of the s and p five hundred
they own everything
they've now decided
to buy every single family home in america oh if they stay on the current trajectory
they will own sixty percent of the homes in those countries single family homes by twenty thirty a literally are trying to buy everything and and ahead of it larry thank the sea of black rock
is on the board of men world economic forum and what they you know they've said we want this great reis at which is you will own nothing and you will be happy while they're on their way to making sure that we don't own anything you will probably have heard of people who are about to buy a home
and somebody comes in with at the last minute with catherine cashmore
offering establishes off their out of the market
and it's usually an l l c with an ambiguous name
but if you trace that up you'll find it's own by black rock