what year were you born
two thousand and seven two thousand and seven alright well that's your budget i'll let you pick out anything inside his mall
two thousand and seven dollars but if you're falling off dublin
see a ufo
because she does fall show the camera
but since you're following your new budget four thousand seventeen dollars what you want
she's shoes alright let's go shop
so here's a shoe store
think she's taking into the most expensive room in the store helped me
we shouldn't even get what
was it oh
is very more than my rent let me glass
sixty thousand
sixteen hundred
what do you guys think we should do actually want
how much are they
alright and that's more like i'll get to oh
alright did you want to take these there dublin give it to the next person
i'll definitely
this getting
very good to
miss you guys probably because you can really be next
thank you can't wait to win thanks to yours coffee tonight y'all follow him