the most irritating thing happened to me last week i have been living with a chair in front of my refrigerator like this because the freezer door would not properly close i had a power outage and there was a ton of frozen blood on the back of my freezer i couldn't get to i called a cleaning person when they left i could no longer close it they said oh it was like that when we got there which it wasn't but whatever i call refrigerator repair person they came in said we actually don't see a reason why this won't close try defrosting everything and try to close it then did that didn't work i've just been living with the refrigerator chair for three months so last week there's another pedal on the floor because the freezer didn't close all the way and i can't take it anymore can't exactly afford to buy a new refrigerator at this time note the hole in my ceiling currently so hail mary one more time i'm gonna see if there's absolutely anything i can do to fix empty the freezer notice that the bucket on the bottom is actually removable take that out and rinse it off when i go to put it back in i don't really remember which direction it goes at the slanted part goes on the front or the back but it makes more scientific goals on the back so i tried putting it in that way but i put the everything back in the freezer try closing the door and this is what happens
the fucking bucket
was backwards
i'm a mechanical engineer i've had professionals come out and look at this resort whole time was just backwards that's it
it's backwards three months puddles on the floor chair in the middle of the kitchen
buckets backwards
bucket was backwards