Worth $1200?!? I think so 🤷🏻‍♂️ #detailing #autodetail #ceramiccoating
Avatar of jndetail


2024-04-29 12:49:13

we skimmed this client for exactly eleven hundred dollars and it actually ended up being twelve hundred because he loved how much we scammed him that he tipped us an extra hundred dollars no guys scamming isn't as easy as i make it look it's actually easier that's why i show you the step-by-step process so that you guys can learn how to scam with me because according to the comments learning how to convince people to give you over a thousand dollars for eight hours a work is in no way a skill and everybody could do it so to help out the community i show everybody exactly how to make ten thousand dollars a month at twenty years old just like me and over four years of detailing experience and learning content creation that grew me to over one hundred and fifty thousand followers across social media platforms or learning how to build a website or learning sales so that i actually close the leads that i get and then on top of that doing the work so well that we have a one hundred percent five-star reviews on google no no no we don't deserve to charge fair prices the people that actually care about their vehicles and want the job done right by professionals no instead we should be charging twenty thirty dollars for basic car washes in busting our ass every single day because not everybody can afford a ceramic coating well surprisingly enough if you can't afford a ceramic coating you might just not be my target audience yeah and i don't mean to offend anybody at all by saying that but if you just don't see the value in making your car look absolutely perfect like it does right here and making sure it stays like that for five years and respectfully i don't think we're the right fit for you