a muslim sister reached out she says she's nineteen years old and she's struggling with masturbating what can she do she spoke to her parents about getting married and they told her that she's too young and it's not the time
the best advice i have for you is islamic only you know they recommend fasting and lowering of the gaze
but to give you a bit more practical advice i would say keep yourself busy during the day
a lot of times you have a lot of energy
that energy at the end of the day is pent-up energy and so masturbating might be a way to release it but if you are exercising especially for men and woman
i know
traditionally and generally we think this is just an issue men face but a lot of muslim woman faces problem too so what i recommend is keep your schedule busy because when you're free that's when you know they say an idle mind is the devil's playground right so
try to keep yourself busy when you are of age to get married you can get married but i hope these tips help you out