Embrace the profound power of manifesting miracles in your life.

Miracles, the whispers of the cosmos, reveal themselves to those who dare to dream, those who steadfastly believe in the magic.

Be like the gardener, tending to your seeds of hope, faith, and intention cultivating the extraordinary amidst the ordinary.

With every thought and action, you sow the seeds of transformation, nurturing your dreams and desires with unwavering belief.


#ManifestingMiracles #BelieveInMagic #DreamBig #anythingispossible #trust #manifest #manifestation #miracles #loveyourself
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2024-05-08 13:04:40

start your day with this thing every single morning and watch your life transform
watch miracles to start pouring into your life i'm telling you it works
i have manifested
money a perfect place to live new clients incredible friends every single day i expect miracles to happen and this is exactly how i do it
first of all don't judge yourself by how you feel the moment your eyes open in bed they say don't you don't know what your mood truly is until you bring movement into your body so get out of bed as soon as you can
do not look at your phone you're gonna walk to the bathroom you're gonna entering some water you're going to brush your teeth with a non dominant hand for me that's the left-hand you do this because it opens neural pathways because you're doing something out of the ordinary
i want you to look at yourself in the mirror and say i love you three times this is gonna release dopamine really mean it make extreme eye-contact with yourself in the mirror
and then you're gonna look straight into the mirror and you're gonna say god universe spirit whatever resonates with you i say god i cannot wait to see what miracles you have in store for me today and i believe it with my full heart and miracles since i moved to actually have been pouring in to the
to the point where i can't even keep up with it in my blessing book where i write every single great thing that happens down which i also recommend
this will transform your life let me know how it works for you