⚡️BEST OF 2023⚡️: Ria’s “Age Theory”
Avatar of chicksintheoffice


2024-04-29 03:44:33

have a question yeah i saw this online today and i don't think it's true because i tried your birthday and the and how old you are and i'm maybe i'm doing it wrong yeah i saw online today
that everybody if you add your year
and how old you are it comes out to twenty twenty three
yeah what
i saw this online today are you joking though like are you bigs
of course
of course the year you were born in and and the age you are you add those together you get the current year that we're in
it doesn't work for me because my month hasn't happened yet
it's literally how age works
okay well whoever put this on their story
acted like he was like the craziest thing
typing in all these
i was like
i typed in yours and i was like wait why is it france working
because i haven't turned twenty nine yet but once i do it'll work
i don't feel good right now about this at all
wow that was a piece like
i like sappy like
you know what i really needed that to start my day