Invest in your future Health - A guide to an active life at an Old Age!
Clip From Dr Peter Attia on Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s Feel Better Live More Podcast
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2024-04-29 00:21:42

at thirty seven your limit is just being able to run that thirty minute
parkrun at seventy five you're gonna have a very difficult time getting around one other words at thirty seven you need to be hammering through that parkrun if you want to make sure that when you're eighty five
you have no physical impediment i'm not i'm not so deluded to think that at eighty i'm going to be doing what i am today but what i want to know that i can do when mady
is take a train through europe and take my own luggage with me i pay attention
to how quickly i sometimes need to move through a train station with my luggage even now i know like
like you have to hustle sometimes
now it's not the limit of my ability today
but i if i'm banking on that being the limit of my ability in when i'm eighty
i know what level of fitness i have to have when i'm fifty