Consistency in 2024…

The holidays are a lot of fun, but most of you are getting off track.

Don’t go from extreme to extreme, stay disciplined that you’re spending your time AKA your life wisely.

The big way to win during 2024?


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2024-04-28 17:57:32

man i love the holidays and i want to come in and really wish all of you guys a happy new year look if you guys really want to crush it this year i'm not going to sit back and give you guys all the same shenanigan that everybody else has given you and just say grind in the holidays grind through the holidays drive through all these but i am gonna tell you guys is you do need to stay consistent through the holidays but you have to learn how to manage your time correctly not just do the holidays but through the entire year one of the biggest caveats depicts successful from unsuccessful people is the consistency i tell my children this and i'm gonna tell you this right now this is the entire secret to success my mentor bill years ago he said drone
you don't have to be the most incredible salesperson you don't have to be the most incredible business person all you have to do is continue showing up and if you continue showing up you will get there statistically because all the people that never make it never stay consistent and ladies and gentlemen one of the biggest issues during the holidays is that most people can't depict when they should spend time with their family and when they should be actually working to make sure that they're in pursuit
of setting themselves up for a successful new year every day of my life is about improvement it's about making sure that i'm consistent from people go and say i'm just going to drink right now and party right now because i'm going to get all out of my system so i move into the new year i can just scrub all that off making new year's resolution not smoke not drink anymore what kind of bullshit is at my whole thing is like why don't you prep yourself to discipline yourself before the new year to stop drinking stop smoking