Have you heard this story from Iman?
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2024-04-28 16:45:15

i don't think i've ever told the story on a youtube video but it was new years twenty seventeen i wake up at two pm i go downstairs my mom is in the kitchen she was like where were you last night because it was new years i didn't even see a happy new years to her and enzo's about to explain myself i turn around and throw up everywhere in the sink i turn back and my mom just stood there crying and she's like
i don't even know who you are anymore and it's funny from that moment the next two years i did not drink
and the next two years i made my first million dollars and because i didn't drink going clubbing was not that appealing to me partying was not that appealing to me
i basically just stayed in home locked-in and worked on my business and that is when i went from having one client in my business on the morning of twenty seventeen when i looked at my mom's face and she was just disgusted by me all the way to two years later making seventy to eighty thousand dollars months to forfeit from my business