Bet-David family’s New Year’s Eve tradition!

Vision board time for the entire family!

May 2024 be the beginning of the greatest years of YOUR life.
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2024-05-08 12:39:37

okay so what's a vision board time
new year's eve
you get a bunch of magazines
and and we go thrown
when it was yours
it starts off with jesus okay
here's ico's
is movies creativity for this is setup
when i look at hers i get hungry because she wants to be a baker
giving boy
like a heavy stuff
okay that's pretty intense jen you're saying i'm not going to be able to finish mine tonight
you don't think so
and it's amazing back in the days my vision board was filled with houses and cars and stuff like that i've got a couple of stuff like that but it's all politics now knowing
business and news and capitalism and data
hope you're prepared for your twenty
twenty four
by painting a picture of what your vision is gonna look like in twenty twenty four happy new year to all of your buddy
take your cm twenty twenty four