When you use punishment, you create a workplace where people will just avoid the punishment rather than adhering to the behavior you want.
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2024-04-28 05:38:13

and you train a dog every time it goes on the couch you get off the couch and every time you fuckin come home it's fucking dogs on the couch or you come home you're like this fur everywhere in the house the dog clearly been like our dog knows that you're gonna punish if it sees you on the couch so when the threats aka you are present it won't jump on the couch but the moment you are gone it absolutely will jump on the couch it's like homies out i'm getting on this fucking out right
when you use punishment you create a workplace where people will avoid punishment rather than adhere to the actual behavior you want so they won't do the behavior that you don't want them to do when you are there but that doesn't mean they're going to do the behavior you even want them to do avoidance vs seeking to actually change