how much do u have in ur bank account?😳 #interview
Avatar of kellyxgallo


2024-04-27 14:10:04

use me poetry is in your bank account a one point three mil lie what do you do for work work at mcdonald's um okay do you follow me oh my god oh my god i think i do your kelly gallo yeah prove it let me see
okay okay well since you're following me i guess your budget is one point three million
i can buy whatever i want guys ya since you're following me it's cool but are you thinking about getting you want me to tell you right now yeah
look at my feet
oh my god it's got a chance no we made it here yeah what do you want i'm a little nervous i
sh okay
are you sure this what you want you know your budgets like one point three million yeah yeah yeah all you want hundred percent okay let's get it
two thousand five hundred sixty eight what kind of socks are those right here you go thank you so much would be nice