Avoid These Three Foods… because they can contain parasites that can cross into your brain.

#parasites #brainparasites #brain #alzheimers #memory #sushi #salmon #pork #bbq #robertlove #robertwblove
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2024-04-27 09:47:09

avoid these three foods because they can contain parasites that can cross into your brain if you're new to my channel hi my name is robert love i'm a neuroscientist i specialize in helping people prevent alzheimer's disease with science you may have seen some of the episodes they did with dr josh helman a medical doctor from harvard about brain parasites your three foods that can potentially contain parasites that can cross into your brain food number one if you like bbq i'm sorry about this when it is pork pork is when the most likely sources of protein of animal protein that can contain parasites so if you're going to eat pork ah you wanna know the farmer or you've really want to cook it really well where i just avoid pork completely food never to a lot of people think this one's healthy for them but it actually can contain parasites it is farm raised salmon so farm raised salmon so unlike being wild-caught salmon which is actually super duper healthy for you that's great for your brain farm raised salmon or the rays in these small small ponds and they can contain parasites i don't recommend doing farm raised salmon instead get wild caught salmon
food number three this is going to upset a lot of people it is really important to know about though it is sushi research shows that those who eat sushi multiple times a week about thirty percent of them have some sort of parasite and once parasites get into your body they can cross into your brain that love you god bless you