Vishesha Deeksha & Akashic Reading Initiation | Paramashivoham Initiation

THE SPH initiates Paramashivoham participants into Vishesha Deeksha, awakening their ultimate possibilities of Consciousness and giving them a new life, and blesses them to start reading the Akashic Records!

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#Nithyananda #KAILASA #Spirituality #Consciousness #SpiritualGrowth #AkashicReadings #AkashicRecords
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2024-04-28 01:49:52

but i'm you go home level one participants level to participants level three participants today initiate all of you innovation the shit
out of you
ask whatever questions you want
or if you want boons you want from ah ha urbano
to you or three eyes look into my three ice you will see the answers responses from aha calavera director in golden letters appear as maha kalpa euro
i give you all the boon
of ability to access akashic records and lead akashic records and
i train you on encourage you all you all you are to see the ultimate truths of the akashic records
gain access to the past present and future and master time with parasha vo huh