If it’s not going to matter in 500 million years, it shouldn’t matter for 5 seconds.
Avatar of hormozi


2024-04-27 11:04:23

a lot of people like to say if it's not going to matter in five years it shouldn't matter for five seconds i like to take that a bit further and say if it's not going to matter in five hundred million years it shouldn't matter for five seconds now some people take that and think wow then you don't think anything has meaning in the answer's yes that is the point do you know who your great great grandparent is you probably don't even know their name and we have this because we're so self centered think that everyone around us is going to sing our praises and hangar pictures on the wall and a single bios every single night after we're gone
and the real real is why do we give it if we claim to not care about what other people think why would we care what they do and talk about us afterward dead