you know why alcoholics or alcoholics because they want to be happy without achievements
this is why drug addicts take drugs they want to be happy without achievements
this is why fucking everyone's doing dumb shit and wants to be happy without a reason
this obsession with happiness is destroying people
there is nothing wrong with feeling a little bit sad
nothing wrong with feeling a little bit pissed off
and you need to be putting other things above your happiness
like your responsibility to the people around you
the people you care about need to get some honor and some courage
i have respect to the man who gets up every day
works a job he fucking hates to pay for his family's life
i respect that man
and he is not doing it to be happy
he is doing it to be a fucking man
so you might ask yourself
what i want you to do
i want you to look at where you are right now no matter how hard it is
no matter what you're going through
no matter what struggles you are facing
you are still here
you are watching this video
you are breathing air
you're still alive
so i need you to take a second
and look back what have you overcame
you're a resilient motherfucker you are worth more than you are currently allowing yourself to believe
so get the fuck out of your own head
get out of your own way and believe in yourself
be great
be prime
follow up
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