What if we talked about how to MAKE money, not spend it? 🤔
Avatar of codiesanchez


2024-04-28 05:48:14

people made fun of me when i started creating content online they're like if you really had companies that made eighty million dollars in revenue why would you be making instagram and tik tok app doesn't make much sense right and my reaction at the time was i think we should make it just as entertaining
talking about stuff that makes us money
as we do stuff the costs us my favorite deals to break down the celebrity deals they're fascinating if you go to the rocks instagram i want you to count how many pieces of content have product placement in them of companies he owns and the answer is close to eighty percent
so almost every single post the rock does is an act but what do we really see we see sexy tequila we see abs we see him with his beautiful wife see these other things but we don't realize that every single one of them is an app and so what if we could flip that around like wouldn't be cool if the rock talked about the deals he did too and how he did that but i think even for celebrities they don't want to talk about the deals that they did they just want to talk about all the money that they have