This stick insect, Hermagoras sigillatus, obscures its outline by tucking its legs close to its body and brings its 2 front legs to hide the antennae (which often giveaway the animal’s camouflage).

This form of camouflage falls under “masquerade”, where the organism utilizes this tactic to resemble something that is of no interest (eg a leaf, stick or rock) to the observer.

#masquerade #camouflage #camouflagemasters #stickinsect #hidinginplainsight #shotoniphone
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2024-04-28 02:07:32

so i don't know if you notice but this is actually an insect that is
pretending to be a stick when disturbed
the way it does it is it tucks it's legs closer spotty and it holds its first two front legs against its antennae
here is the same stick insect on the leaf
and in a moment we'll get a close-up of it's head
now you can see the antennae
in the eyes
and it's woken up off it goes