HILARIOUS REAL COMEDY… WITHOUT THE “Cancel Culture” BS. @therealtommycat @kellycoffieldpark #TeamDL #inlivingcolor #jimcarrey
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2024-04-27 12:57:40

uh he's beautiful yes he is this is calvin he's a homeboy saving an afrikaans or
b-boy as they're known in the neighborhood
is he able to vote
oh yes he walks but you see these new sneakers and they don't like decrease them
and what is he doing now
this is what they call chillan alan ah ladies kind of cooled in the studio today oh no no not that kind of chill and he's just relaxing and getting used to his environment
i see
yeah just because you live in lodge with crazy bank and stupid wales and i'm butt naked don't give you the right to dish don't see
ah fuqua
there's is a rapidly changing language allen there's new terminology almost daily
but as of last friday what he said to you was just because you're rich and he's poor doesn't give you the right to disrespect him
i wouldn't say that around
it tends to agitate
yoyo cao the man cool abdul was just bugging