you're know understanding your sadness or feeling of loneliness or feeling law as freeze response is crucial in navigating challenging situations here are three key things that i want you to know and remember
at three it's a natural survival mechanism to freeze
the freeze response is hardwired into our biology as a survival strategy
when faced with a threat our bodies may instinctively freeze hoping to go unnoticed by the perceived danger
and two it's not a sign of weakness experiencing a freeze response doesn't indicate weakness it is a primal reaction designed to protect us recognizing and accepting this response can help us and responding to it but compassion rather than self-judgment and one the mind body connection matters the freeze response involves both the mind and the body
learning to reconnect with your body through mindful practices like deep breathing or grounding exercises can be instrumental in managing and easing the freeze response remember it's about understanding and working with your bodies in the interest balances which is important