three things that you must come to accept
most people ignore the last one
first of all
self-control is strength
and calmness is mastery
you have to get to the point where your mood doesn't shift based on the actions of someone else
don't allow others to control the direction of your life and don't allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence
avoid being overly kind to everyone
not everyone deserves your kindness
kill people with silence because not everyone deserves your attention
and third
in three generations
everyone who knows you will be dead
including the people whose opinions stopped you from doing what you wanted to do all along
imagine someone you know achieved every dream and hit every goal
then some years later they get old and die
and two years after that
how much would you care
if you accomplish your goals and dreams
do it for yourself
if you made it this far
drop a one hundred and the guys
that just means you're part of the zero point zero one percent
who actually finish what they start