This is truly the most important financial lesson there is! Its a fact that the biggest ROI often comes from people - employees, partners, etc. And not from the traditional investment assets. It’s something that most overlook and dont even realise. When you have the right people working with you or for you, you can achieve 1000x more than you would on your own in the same period of time. But those people will not stick around if they are underpaid, cheated out of their bonuses, and other stupid stuff. Make people around you rich and happy, and they will make you super rich and mega happy 😎🀝
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2024-04-18 08:41:39

there is the most important financial lesson for you it is december and i went to the bank with this green bag right here
and i've taken out this is all in dirhams
this is about an equivalent
of almost one million dollars
and guess what this money is not for me this money
this holiday season it is christmas gift season
so this money is going to my precious lovely team we are a lot of people in my team
so this is salaries bonuses and dividends to my partners
and i'm eternally grateful for all the hard work that we've
completed and accomplished the cause that we've accomplished this year
and i think it is an incredible joy to share the fruits of the labor with those who come tribute
to the fruits of the labor so the lesson most important financial lesson
is to always
the people
around you
they'll just your family and friends
but are your employees your partners
and your colleagues that's the biggest asset the most
incredible and valuable asset in your life