Only 18% make it to the end.

Here’s why.

Day by day people spend hours scrolling and can’t control their attention span anymore.

They spend on average 1.4 seconds on each video before scrolling to the next looking for that next dopamine hit.

Its tragic, and I’m here to help you make the change.

Just comment “🔥” to receive a full exclusive guide to become a creator.

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2024-04-17 11:46:36

lay your phone on the table
don't touch it with your hands
and force yourself to watch this video
you have been manipulated to a point where your attention span is shorter than one four seconds
and even while i'm saying this you probably have the urge to scroll away and act like nothing happened
you failed to realize that they are turning you into a less intelligent human being
by depriving your dopamine receptors and distracting your consciousness
like a rat
i'll fall for the exact same trap time after time and not only you but all your friends family members and acquaintances have the exact same problem
for that exact reason
i will make this video a little longer than usual to put your consciousness up to the test for a final chance
now how do we go about escaping this trap you may wonder very simple
instead of staying a consumer you become a creator
creators are currently the highest paid individuals on the planet since we control attention just like i got you to watch until this exact second
i'm not going to bullshit you
if you comment a fire emoji under this video and send this video to yourself on instagram i will give you a free guide that will turn you from a consumer to a creator