when you see someone always come
incredibly kind and avoiding conflicts
be careful
this person notices everything
they remain silent
because they know that if they get angry
it will hurt
they keep everything inside
choosing to stay calm
even though it may sometimes cause them suffering
but the day it explodes
it's a real storm
and the one who triggered that anger will bear the brunt
these individuals understand that peace is precious
and that's why they value it so much
everything has a limit
everyone has their threshold
and for them
this threshold is often higher than for most people
but once it's crossed
expect a storm
that's why it's essential to respect them
don't take them for granted
don't mistake their silence for weakness
behind every calm smile there is a strength and determination that can surprise you
it's better to be by their side
to learn from them
if you are like this know that you are a strong person
you choose peace over conflicts
you have nothing to prove