The images we hold in our mind control the vibration that our body is in. The vibration that our body is in controls what we attract. We can determine our vibration by how we are feeling. Good feelings = good vibration. Bad feelings = bad vibration. It’s that simple 🔥

Speaker: @proctorgallagher

#lawofattraction #manifestation #manifesting #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife #manifest #loa #lawofassumption #bobproctor #lawofvibration
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2024-04-17 12:22:58

and you know when you're in a negative vibration
the only energy you can attract to you is like energy you're going to attract negative situations in your life when you're in a positive vibration
the only thing you can attract into your life are things that are in harmony with you
positive thanks you and i have the conscious ability to choose the images that we're going to hold in our mind
you know that thought waves our cosmic waves and penetrate all time and space and when i think something
i control the vibration i meant and when i control the vibration i'm in
i control what i attract into my life if i want greater wealth
i just have to see it coming into my life i can see money coming to me
through multiple sources on a continuous basis you see i dictate what i see we become what we think of it