Abundance is not action based đźš«

It is fully energetic, and works off of your subconscious assumptions

Rather than forcing yourself to work harder, you can instead align yourself to a higher emotional state where you FEEL like the abundance already exists

This took me from being $10k in debt to manifesting over $1 million dollars in my business in 20 months. And here’s the kicker: I DIDNT WORK HARD!! It’s been a breeze if I’m being completely transparent

The ideas come, the clients come, the money comes, the growth naturally comes when you consciously CHOOSE to align yourself with wealth using a daily step by step formula

This is how I take my clients from being broke financially to manifesting 6 figures, multiple job promotions, and flourishing businesses every single week (check my highlights)

If you want to use my exact formula, DM me “MANIFEST” to try it out 💸 #manifestation
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2024-04-17 21:54:43

you want to manifest more money you need to listen to
my bestie right here just manifest a second promotion and her career and she's only been using the formula for a short amount of time and money formula that i teach is about kring the energetic state of abundance so whether you're a business owner or you are somebody working nine to five career or you have multiple side hustles and you're trying to generate more abundance into your reality you have to align the energetics first you want to create this internal state of already feeling wealthy of already feeling abundant of viewing yourself as abundant creamy identity of the wealthy version of yourself this is how we tap into wealth consciousness so whatever it is that you're doing the wealth will come in through that channel as well as other avenue all my besties are using the manifestation formula that you guys can download at the very top of my tiktok page and this is the academy that teaches you guys things like manifesting money manifesting business girls so shout out to you for manifesting your second promotion i'm so
proud of you keep up the amazing job and just know there's so much more wealth on it's way it starts kicking in faster and faster