It’s important to visualize, but it’s even more important to FEEL your desire emotionally as if it’s has already happened. This will create the magnetic pull that draws your desires to you ✨

Speaker: @chazzpalminteri

#lawofattraction #manifestation #manifesting #manifest #lawofassumption #manifestyourdreams
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2024-04-17 11:12:38

visualize it but also feel it like feel yourself there close your eyes smile to yourself and feel yourself there
and believe me when i said you can manifest that i know you think i'm crazy but it's the joke in life i'm telling you it's the joke in life youth can't go to places physically until you go there emotionally in any mind first then once you're there you're reading all your hold onto the negative thoughts it's like walking around with all this baggage and luggage who needs that shit really