Breathwork, and meditation are powerful tools that can be used to create your future. Manifesting requires a clear intention with an elevated emotion backed by inspired action. Through daily practice of bringing up these elevated states one can condition their mind and body into that future.


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2024-04-17 17:58:59

you said ok i'm gonna work with my body but i'm gonna start breathing and i'm start feeling emotions that i do want to feel the heart starts
producing a very profound signal starts to produce an external magnetic fields measurable
so now you have a coherent brain which means you can get very intentional and you have a coherent heart which means you can feel the emotions of your future before it happens somehow you have this broadcasting of this wi-fi signal in the brain tends to be electrical in nature so it's sends out an electrical charge into the field the heart is the magnetic charge it's what draws things to us you actually by changing the way you think and the way you feel
you're changing the signal in the field and if you're able to maintain that state for an extended period of time i say
something magical is going to happen in your life