[SHARE↗️] respect your time. TAG 2 FRIENDS THAT NEED TO HEAR THIS 👇
2024-04-18 06:46:17
prospect shouldn't be goes it's not what you say when you get ghost it's why are you getting ghosted i will make sure i will cancel my prospect before my prospect cancels on me if you had a meeting set for thursday eight thirty pm eastern on wednesday if you shoot the prospect over a message that confirms a meeting if they don't confirm the meeting on wednesday evening to shoot them off another message on thursday saying hey by the way melissa i noticed you didn't confirm the meeting that we had set for today at eight thirty pm if you can't for any reason show up to the meeting i have back-to-back appointments i'll just cancel this slot that way could put another individual want to learn more about our business let me know within the next thirty minutes can't wait to hear back from you she doesnt frickin reply within the next thirty minutes guess what i do i cancel
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