You just can’t cross the line with kids.

(video: @turningpointusa )
Avatar of patrickbetdavid


2024-04-17 01:55:51

and finally openly talking about my biggest fear
i have in life
i don't fear a lot of things
if there's one thing i fear in life and i can't even tell you
how unbelievable fear this is
i fear
losing god's favor
is the biggest fear i have
and by the way
i'm not the only reason i shared out with you
is because when i looked at that flag
i think
for god knows how many years has been known as the greatest country in the world
it has forgotten
and no longer fears losing god's favor
we are now afraid to pray in schools
but we're okay with teaching all these other things for kids i'm not okay with that
i'm a pretty easy going guy we can sit down tell jokes
pull a couple of pranks play dominoes play backgammon talk sports talk politics
if you cross the line
and impose yourself on my kids you're gonna meet a very different human being