Are You Going To Build Willpower in 2024? 💭 E-Book In Bio 📖




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2024-04-16 05:18:32

but this the scary thing
why most people
don't want to do that
build that willpower
it because this carry
it unlocks a whole bunch of things about who you are who you're not
and a lot of people don't want to go down that journey to discover who they are who they're not
it's it's not a pretty journey
i mean i've gone on it it's not like i went down at once
i go down it all the time
and my back is still do something
that will power that i have created
it makes me do it every
fucking day
and that's what they don't get what builds a human being
is you start with a small duty box before you know it makes you become something you
it doesn't make sense to most people because it's just who you are now
that's why i guess to run it fifty book
ever effort i would go down ease and broke down body
in my body knows you still care
therefore i do
second you stop
that willpower is gone