My biggest fear.

(video: @lewishowes )
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2024-04-17 02:05:52

and my biggest fear i got as a man is losing favor of god nothing a fear is a bigger fear than that when i tell you nothing i don't fear anything more than that i fear losing favor
from god this concept of losing favor of place to the people you work with it applies with your clients it applies with your audience get applies with your customers it applies with god it applies but all remember
number one to me in life is to be elite right to meet to be a leader amongst leaders so that's number one number one fear is losing favor of god not losing favour from mainstream media not losing favor from youtube now losing favor from you know x y z people it's losing favor from god you know so when all of a sense like hey
look what you've got
and you see what i'm doing man you'll see how much of a big deal
not enough how do you keep how do you manage your very order went very well