Abusers don’t usually abuse everyone.

They will pick their targets, usually someone they can easily exert control over, like a dependant/someone really young/with low self esteem, etc.

What does this mean psychologically for the victim? Let’s discuss that in today’s reel.

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2024-04-16 16:13:38

most cases abusers do not abuse everyone you know
of in a lot of cases in fact will see the abuser is just abusing the spouse or the child just one person
to the outside world the rest of the world they're amazing
that charming the polite they're helpful
now this creates a problem for the victim i tell you how
when the victim starts to tell the world that something's wrong
the world does not believe that
the world is like new dispersal is amazing
so eventually the victim starts internalizing the abuse
they start believing something is wrong with them that just being over sensitive you know things like that