How to influence a prospect source: therealrealbradlea
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2024-04-16 23:39:46

you're in the beginning of a sales conversation and the prospect says well you know we're meeting with some other companies why should we go with you
why why should we go with your company our company really works good
what would they say if they said well why should i go with you what would they say at the beginning of a conversation just normal everyday salesperson what would they do the average joe would probably start talking about
competitor being worse why
better we all yeah but why wouldn't you like we've got the best of this we've got the best this we wanted to pass they'd get defensive right that's just a human reaction
so what you want to do in that type of situation as you want to disarm it's like you to remember that book
by chris voss you know the negotiating fbi guy where he's like you talk about versus the different ever split the difference you talk about this arming the situation well sales is the same way you have to disarm the prospect and take the sales pressure out of the conversation
to get them to want to engage with you
so if somebody says well why should we go with you you know what we train salespeople do in companies who say well
i'm not quite sure
you should yet
and i might need to know a little bit more about kind of what you're using now in that area just to see if we could even help you in the first place for example and then i'm gonna ask a situation question
so when i say well
i'm not quite sure you should yet and you pause for two to three seconds what does that do to the prospect takeaway
it disarms him it like takes the sales pressure because number one no sales people have ever done that to them they would even know that skill right and so when you remove the sales pressure it automatically causes him to want to