No matter what bone you’re giving your dogs there’s always a risk of choking so make sure to supervise and not leave them alone with anything they can choke on! Turkey necks are my favorite since they’re much longer but chicken drumsticks are easier to find. #dogtraining
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2024-04-16 20:55:02

it's actually a misconception that dogs can't eat chicken bones so dogs shooting eat
cook chicken bones when the
phones get cooked they have a bigger chance of splintering
when it's raw the chance is very very low as in the
the bones going to break it's not really going to splinter in that way because it's frozen
and it's really good way to clean their teeth i've never brushed his guy's teeth a day in his life
and so what happens is that as they chew and the meat defrost
it becomes real chewy and the meat starts going to between the teeth and flossing the teeth and because it's a little hard it still takes off the tartar and plaque so
it's really really good for your dog's teeth