My transformation‼️
Of course we never NEED any of these treatments! But there is something to be said about looking and feeling your best! We all have those areas that just make us feel a little insecure! And is it such a shame to want to correct it to make yourself feel more confidant!
I always love to be fully transparent with what I’ve gotten done because I know how it feels to wonder if someone has “gotten work done” or if it’s just natural!
#beforeandafter #glowup #dermalfiller
Avatar of np.miranda


2024-04-17 02:55:26

i just love when people say oh no you don't need botox and filler you don't need it
i don't need a big coz i get botox and filler so let's go over all the areas i've gotten botox and filler here's my before and after if you want a little reference of what it can do for you starting with my forehead you can't really tell but i was starting to develop like a faint little line on my forehead so i started getting botox in my eleventh and my friend telus muscle
as well as my crow's feet because again in this picture you couldn't really tell but i was getting these
tiny little lines in my crow another thing that i did that's a game changer is i did laser hair removal on my hair line
as you can see my hairline was like going into my eyebrow i did under eye cheek filler
lip filler of course i added filler to my chin to make more of a v shape and the biggest difference is placing botox masseter muscle to slim my face out
here's another photo right now with no makeup for a better comparison