Don't worry about getting it right the first time, just get it going. 💖
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2024-04-16 04:18:24

first time you're doing something you're not going to likely be great on it i know it's been true for me for like every single thing that i've done in my life
i'm thinking about like the first time i had to hire someone in my business i was terrified first of all i was only twenty three at the time and most of the people that i was gonna hire are much older than me and i just knew i had no idea how to delegate i had no idea how to even pay someone or how to manage the one here's the thing in order to get good at anything you have to be willing to suck at it at first once you get through that first time
ever it is that you was learn or because great ass it all goes uphill from there so i have a little mothra that i say that always basically phase my thought
is i want to go into the zone
it's better to start small and sucky rather than staying stuckey
and it's a tongue twister but it actually works