it's funny because a lot of us want traits right we want to be patient we want to be humble we want to be you know long-suffering whatever words you want to use
but in order to if i would say hey how would you
create if you had to create a human
what would you put them through to make them tough
it probably wouldn't be a really chill life yeah
would you put them through to make them patient
we probably wouldn't give them things immediately
until like we want these trades
but each of the traits has a price tag attached to it and it's just like do you want to pay the price tag to get the thing
and so i think if if people reframed the the the period of life that they're going through as the price that they're paying out of their wallet but the wallet is their time as the seconds of life that they're trading for it
then i think more people be willing to make the trade because at least when i look at myself
like when maybe something years old i'm looking back on my life i want to have these traits but in order to have this traits i don't have to go through these things
and i think for me that's giving me a lot of
in hard times