one of the most interesting traders that i've ever worked with was in the bond pit this guy he loved to tray and he was back in the early nineties one of the biggest traders in the bond pit his largest position he'd put on would be about five thousand contracts but his normal possession
was between three and five hundred contracts one contract in treasury bond futures one tick is worth thirty one dollars and twenty five cents one incremental change in price was worth about fifteen grand in iran his account
the bottles especially back then they could easily move
ten ticks in a matter of seconds so you're talking at under fifty thousand dollars in a matter of moments and like i said there were times where key put on thousands of contracts not just hundreds i had many other clients in the bond fan who watched him and said that you'd like watching michael jordan
trade bonds is good is really good it was also he just loved what he was doing you love being there every moment
it was hard for him to leave any really didn't give a shit about the money money was truly irrelevant to him out of all the people i've ever worked with in my life
i've never met anybody who was on the extreme
i mean way over here in terms of how little money that
body had all the problems
that the
ah the
factory had a couple of appointments he wasn't really into it or even grasping it for that matter i didn't hear from him for another couple of months but i'd actually didn't hear from him at all i hear from his wife and she called me she was hysterical because he's gonna have to mortgage the house
because on bad day that he had when i met him
he n