Have you created a set of rules for your trading yet?
Avatar of umarashraftrades


2024-04-15 10:19:35

you should make a rule and i've i've had this rule for a really long time where if i'm not in front of my computer thirty minutes before with the following items i'm not allowed to trade for the day and because we have no boss as traders which sounds cool
it also has a flip side because there's no one to hold us accountable and no one to tell us hey
you can treat this day or hate this is wrong we just kind of bomb tilde and go crazy in terms of just putting on trades that don't make sense and these rules could also go in if i have to losing trades i'm not allowed to increase my size if i have three losing trades i have to take a step back when you set these rules and you follow them
you now allow yourself to be aware of what is happening in your training you don't allow yourself to go on massive drawdowns or
you know going massive tilts where you allow yourself to employ your account