yeah remember this client message you mean the same thing and he said jeremy i don't have time to learn how to sell more i have zero time to learn new skills and i said interesting and i said hey don't worry about it do you have fifteen twenty twenty five minutes a day to log into a platform so you can learn how to sell more so you don't have to do what
keep working seventy hours a week after week after week to make low six figures
and he said
well yeah i guess i could take thirty minutes
and i was like whoa what do you do with the thirty minutes where do you drive to work well how long is your commute each way in that twenty minutes each way cause that's forty minute commute back and forth what do you listen to in your car because like i listen to sports radio and i said how much money is sports radio and the news and metallica making you zero
and he said it looks like i have at least thirty to forty minutes a day to learn how to sell more