Howard Schultz was not the founder of Starbucks, but he was the driving force behind the Starbucks that we know today.

As you can see he was very passionate about his company when he was CEO in 2006.

View the full 7-minute clip of Howard Schultz from 60-minutes from our YouTube channel Economic Archive.

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2024-04-15 07:59:02

we're not in the business of filling bellies
we're in the business of filling souls
oh now come on no no wait a min
dance too but this is a company this is a corporation
it is a corporation you're blowing smoke no i mean this is how we feel you might okay they're full of crap and and you know
this is how we feel we're in the business of human connection and humanity
creating communities in a third place between home and work i've got to tell you i've been kicking around your headquarters here for the last couple of days and i will admit if you'll let me use a different beverage metaphor okay the people around here really seem to be drinking the kool-aid they they really seem to be
completely steeped to use another beverage metaphor in this philosophy bit but it's not it's not a cult this this is a corporation it is a for profit business
but our approach
for thirty plus years has been unique and different not better just different