Navigating the labyrinth of challenges within, outworking your former self, and collaborating to conquer. Minds at work, souls evolving. 💪🧠 #MindsetMastery #OutworkTheObstacles #CollaborateToElevate
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2024-04-16 04:52:49

i'm always under this i think i've always understood that
you can have one
if you cannot you can truly
a lot of things by themselves you can outwork a lot of negative emotions outward a lot of problems in your mind
but people sit still unhappy or i'm sad you don't have time
how do you find the time in the day
to sit around thinking about being sad
you shit to do like
i don't have time to sit around and contemplate how i feel because i'm busy
how do you have enough time for that i've had people sit and give me long traits on how they how they feel like where did it come over the shouts we've been sitting around just fucking thinking about nothing
i don't have time for it you can out you can
up a plane defies gravity the speed
because all it doesn't if a plane stops moving forward what happened to most
so you even do the same thing yourself and your mentality and
and your problems and
everyone else around you can outwork everybody