Calling out my fellow masculine ladies 🔈

A LOT of women are living from this wounded masculine energy. They neglect their emotions and softness for the sake of productivity and achieving goals to compete with men. But that’s not where our strengths as women lie EVEN THOUGH we can do a lot of the same things men can.

A masculine women is one that is under stress consistently and constantly evaluating herself based on performance and external validation. Because we were not designed to run this way, we start lashing out and controlling our partners when they fail to meet our expectations. You can not expect to attract a masculine man when YOU are taking up that space.

Being uptight serves NOONE, not even yourself. As someone who operated from this energy majority of my life, I can tell you life gets so much more enjoyable when you let go of control.

#masculinewomen #divinemasculine #divinemasculineenergy #divinasculinerising #divinefeminineenergy #divinefemininerising #femininity #softness #anxiousattachment #avoidant #polarity #letgoofcontrol
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2024-04-15 08:40:20

wounded masculine women are the women who are defensive judgmental critical and they're very controlling and combative a project their own disappointment doubt and shame onto other people and blame external things for the reason that they're unhappy because they lack the ability to look inward and take accountability for the way their life turned out they want to masculine man but attract feminine men because masculine men won't put up with them the masculine man and a masculine woman would clash too much it's too much of the same energy and it would be very explosive these women pride themselves on their hyper independency and they put a lot of weight and value on external things whether it's their looks or how much money they make or their career position or their intellect they're putting their value as women on things that guys don't actually care about a woman's value does not come from how much she can provide how much money she makes her even how pretty she is a woman's value is intrinsic not extrinsic it's the softness of a woman her nurturing affection that draws people into her like a magnates what draws masculine men towards them ask you a man don't care about how much money you make or how successful you are they want a woman that balances them out not challenges them