How Buggati scams a buggati owner.
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2024-04-16 01:07:58

i had the car i've got now i had a bugatti vevo every year and send it into bugatti to service it because there really is no one else you could send that card to every service would be between twenty and forty thousand pounds a year to serve it i took it into the service center there was work fine everything was fine without a
flight plan in switch so i said um the service managers if you do me a favor while she's here getting serviced that's going to cost me probably forty thousand can you just have a look at that switch for me they call will do that no problem we'll email you a quote and quote
for nine and a half thousand plus vat send it to another guy that i know who would do business with these supplies formula one parts to formula one teams it makes carbon fiber part was neil i'm gonna show ya he said well the part i had to buy five of them because they only come in a pack of five they were eighty nine pence
and it took me twenty five minutes to do so you owe me