you become the man you sleep with
so if you're with a guy that's lazy
not motivated
doesn't really like himself that much guess guess what's gonna happen yet
you're going to become
the dash and you're gonna become
the woman that doesn't like yourself it doesn't feel good about herself
you connect yourself to a man that that loves himself that respects himself that sees
that he's a good man
and knows he's a good man
guess what happens
your confidence will build you will become
that version of him you know you're a good woman you see yourself you see your beauty
you're okay you gotta be very very careful
this is alchemy here this is magic this is not just
fun on a friday night
this is
you've got to be really careful
because your womb is your manifestation portal you become
whatever you
spend time with
and whatever you
whoever you decide to connect with in that way you will become them
so choose wisely