at some point something has the fucking give at some point
you'd have to be
sick and tired of being fucking sick and tired or you just like not disgusted with being average are you not disgusted with being like everybody else being mediocre being average being
mundane now if you want to live an ordinary life walk around your nine to five watch some netflix or some lulu at night just chill and that's fine but if you want to be an extraordinary individual and you want to live an extraordinary life you have to be able to look at the dude sleeping
look at the dude sleeping
that's most of you motherfuckers bro most of fucking clowns out here sleeping your life away no ambition no desire no true willpower to become extraordinary if you want to be extraordinary first you have to be disgusted with your current situation
and what's your disgusted with your current situation you must commit to changing if you want to live an extraordinary life
you must be willing to do extra ordinary things do i make myself fucking clear